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Intro Collection Alhambraint

Our new collection of essential voiles takes its name from the element that surrounds them: the air. Its movement, the wind, is called in so many different ways as the intensity that causes them or the places where they start, in this case, the Mediterranean. This mix of free and invisible elements, which we can feel on our skin, inspires us to relate our new fabrics to the environment and to personify in them names of winds that bring changes, that speak to us of freedom, that clean, that bring rain, seeds or sand.


Natural colours. Plain weaves. Light herringbones or stripes immersed in the cloth. Subtle variations in thickness, all in double width, prepared to modulate the air that comes in through our windows.

GREGAL. Present in the Balearic Islands, on the coasts of Malta, Sicily and the Ionian Sea, Gregal comes sometimes as a storm, producing a strong swell that inspires this 100% linen voile with herringbone weave both irregular and timeless. Formed by a white fancy warp and coloured fancy yarn, it’s available in 4 neutral tones.
GREGAL. Present in the Balearic Islands, on the coasts of Malta, Sicily and the Ionian Sea, Gregal comes sometimes as a storm, producing a strong swell that inspires this 100% linen voile with herringbone weave both irregular and timeless. Formed by a white fancy warp and coloured fancy yarn, it’s available in 4 neutral tones.
MELTEMI. A strong, dry wind which mainly affects the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean. During the long summer days, when it’s more common, it’s considered a blessing as it cools the environment. A light Jacquard fabric, fancy warp and colourful fantasy weft, our voile exhales threads like small wind gusts that cool down spaces. Available in 3 colours.
MELTEMI. A strong, dry wind which mainly affects the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean. During the long summer days, when it’s more common, it’s considered a blessing as it cools the environment. A light Jacquard fabric, fancy warp and colourful fantasy weft, our voile exhales threads like small wind gusts that cool down spaces. Available in 3 colours.
SURADA. A southern gust of wind raises temperatures like a gentle tropical caress that embraces the shores of the Mediterranean. Surada, the firmest voile in this collection, shelters us with its rustic fabric, handmade look and silky touch. This open taffeta fabric of thick warp and weft is accompanied by fine threads, preventing it from opening. Available in 5 natural colours, its composition also makes it easy to care for. 
SURADA. A southern gust of wind raises temperatures like a gentle tropical caress that embraces the shores of the Mediterranean. Surada, the firmest voile in this collection, shelters us with its rustic fabric, handmade look and silky touch. This open taffeta fabric of thick warp and weft is accompanied by fine threads, preventing it from opening. Available in 5 natural colours, its composition also makes it easy to care for. 
BORA. A cold, dry wind formed by the currents of the Mediterranean blows in gusts and becomes present in winter, hitting the coasts of the Adriatic. The Bora voile, with its tumultuous appearance, enchants us with the light filtered by its linen and wool threads, intentionally disordered in Jacquard. Available in 3 colours. 
BORA. A cold, dry wind formed by the currents of the Mediterranean blows in gusts and becomes present in winter, hitting the coasts of the Adriatic. The Bora voile, with its tumultuous appearance, enchants us with the light filtered by its linen and wool threads, intentionally disordered in Jacquard. Available in 3 colours. 
MISTRAL. The wind that blows from the Mediterranean coast to the sea appears from one moment to the next as impetuous music. Fearful and unpredictable, it inspires us to make a voile that mixes a more open with a more closed structure to create rustic-looking stripes that run vertically through the fabric in a blend of natural, artificial materials and fantasy patterns that give it many practical qualities of durability. Available in three sandy shades.
MISTRAL. The wind that blows from the Mediterranean coast to the sea appears from one moment to the next as impetuous music. Fearful and unpredictable, it inspires us to make a voile that mixes a more open with a more closed structure to create rustic-looking stripes that run vertically through the fabric in a blend of natural, artificial materials and fantasy patterns that give it many practical qualities of durability. Available in three sandy shades.



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