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Sabi, like the beauty and serenity that emerge with the passage of time, objects, in people.

Time, as the main witness of natural cycles, invites us to let go of preconceived notions about age and emotions. Keeping time in mind as an element that accompanies us through different life stages, we have designed this textile collection to connect with the emotional and forget the superficial.

This collaboration with Alhambra has been a journey into the unknown an immense textile universe hidden behind every fabric that surrounds us. Their know how, their love for the people behind each craft, and the fabric as the result of this journey have made this process a constant learning experience and a source of enrichment.

Joining a Spanish family owned company, specializing in textiles since 1977, opens up a world of possibilities that inspires us. The essence of this joint work lies in the synergy we’ve created. Each of us has contributed unique skills, ideas, and perspectives that, when combined, have brought Sabi to life a collection made from the soul, designed to accompany anyone who wishes to embrace it.

