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La luz de la elegancia

Intro Collection Alhambraint

Esta colección se distingue por su calidez sutil y su elegancia natural, emulando la luz serena y reconfortante del sol.


La singularidad de Sunshine se manifiesta en cada una de sus fibras, imbuidas de la elegancia relajada y la tranquilidad propia del Slow-Living mediterráneo. Lo que distingue a Sunshine es su composición ignífuga de poliéster 100%, que imita con maestría la textura envolvente y agradable del lino, mientras añade las múltiples ventajas del poliéster resistente al fuego. Concebida para aportar a tu vida una gran durabilidad, es excepcionalmente robusta, capaz de soportar intensos ciclos de uso.


Su versatilidad la hace ideal para aplicaciones residenciales y de contract, resaltando su capacidad de adaptarse a diversos contextos con elegancia y facilidad.

The 'Sunshine' collection is synonymous with the harmony between light and texture. Inspired by the Mediterranean, these fabrics are perfect for creating tranquil and stylish spaces in both residential and commercial settings.
Innovation meets tradition in 'Sunshine', with flame-retardant polyester fabrics that mimic the texture of linen. Ideal for interiors that aim to combine aesthetic and advanced functionality.
Experience the essence of Mediterranean Slow-Living with 'Sunshine', fabrics that promote tranquility and relaxed elegance. Perfect for interiors that wish to reflect the calm and well-being distinctive of the Mediterranean climate.
Sunshine' offers fabrics with exceptional durability and natural style. Ideal for spaces demanding resilience and beauty, from residential projects to contract applications.
Find serenity and distinction with 'Sunshine', a collection of fabrics that harmonize advanced functionality and subtle aesthetics. With natural colors and soft texture, each piece invites calm and style into your interior.



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